Why Dietary Factors Could Be To Blame For Your Psoriasis- By: Oscar B Dewsbury

Description : Anyone who suffers from psoriasis knows just how difficult a condition it is to deal with. The frustration of trying skin care product after skin care product, and not seeing a significant difference can lead anyone to deep despair. Even when some products do work, such as steroid creams, the effects are only temporary. As soon as you stop using them, the psoriasis returns.

It has long been known that the key to beating any affliction is not to simply target the symptoms of it, which is the case when using topical treatments for psoriasis, but to target the actual root cause of it. With psoriasis, what we know about the root cause is that it stems from our immune system. For an as yet unknown reason, the immune system activates what are known as T-cells, which then begin to produce new skin cells at an accelerated rate. These excess skin cells build up on the epidermis, and this is what we see as psoriasis. So, what part do dietary factors play in this?

Although the reason the immune system kick-starts this process is unclear, it is thought that it could be a reaction to high levels of toxicity with the body. Although not posing any obvious danger, we are all exposed to toxins every hour of every day. The air we breathe is polluted and full of toxins, and the food we eat is treated with chemicals and then infused with additives, preservatives and all kinds of unnatural substances.

Because these toxins are not natural, the body does not recognise them and know how to deal with them. The activation of the T-cells is thought to be a reaction by an immune system that is confused by the foreign toxins it is encountering. The best way you can help your body to deal with this level of toxicity is to detoxify, and then look at how you can lower the amount of toxins getting into your body.

Whilst there may not be much that can be done about the air we breathe, we can at least reduce the amount of toxins we put into our mouths. Processed junk food is a major culprit when it comes to toxins, as they contain large amounts of chemical additives in the form of preservatives, colourings, flavourings etc. To address the problem you should try and replace these processed foods with fresh produce where possible. When going for a snack, instead of potato chips or a pastry go for some fruit instead.

Changing your diet is not a guaranteed cure for psoriasis, but it is certainly a step in the right direction and could be the missing link in your efforts to date. Good skin health always starts from the inside, and good nutrition will certainly be of help. By clearing out your system with a good detox program, you will be able to start over with a healthy system that is not struggling to deal with toxins. If you stick to a healthy eating plan, you will hopefully not overburden your immune system again.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Learn more about different psoriasis treatments, and how your diet could help you get clear skin.